Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Touch the Sound - What a film!

I saw the most beautiful film the other week. It's called "Touch the Sound", about the soulful and amazing percussionist Evelyn Glennie, who happens to be deaf. She lives and breathes music, and she has learned to hear with her body. The film is drop-dead gorgeous, remarkable footage that is stirring and evocative and so fresh. It reminded me of the great Chinese cinematographers of the past decade in its attention to color and movement.

The movie, by filmmaker Thomas Riedelsheimer (RIVERS AND TIDE: ANDY GOLDSWORTHY WORKING WITH TIME), takes its time - if you're in the mood for an action pic tonight, this probably won't fit the bill. But when you're ready for something in a thoughtful vein, you've just got to see this.

It features a lot of duet work with guitarist Fred Frith in a huge abandoned factory in Germany, and includes solo snare drumming in Grand Central Station, a fantastic jam session with Taiko drummers in Japan, a visit to Evelyn's home farm in Scotland.

Don't miss the scene where Evelyn teaches, via a bass drum, a young deaf girl how to hear with her body. It's powerful and wonderful. Our bodies and minds are capable of SO much. This movie is affirming, of both humanity and art.

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