Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Radio interviews this week

Did an interview with KPFA's Dean Suzuki on Sunday night. His show runs from 10-12pm. My bedtime is usually 9pm these days. And Q has been on a night-terrors tear for a couple of weeks, so sleep has been at a super-premium. Still, I figured I always love talking music with Dean (he's a doctor of music, puts his stethoscope to new music of all kinds, from minimalism to pop), and that I could manage to be coherent.

I don't know how it sounded out on the airwaves, but I was struggling to find each word in a sentence. I had things that I wanted to say, but my brain and my tongue had gone to bed a couple hours before. Ah, well...At least we played tons of music, from Fall of Troy, I'm Growing, and even the cut I co-wrote with Richard Bob and sang on from the latest Bobs CD (Funk Shui from Get Your Monkey Off My Dog).

I've got another radio interview later this week - with a Vancouver BC radio station (Brent and Woofy), but that's at 10am on Saturday. Don't know if I'll be any more coherent, but at least it won't be past my bedtime!

And it's rather trippy, going from being interviewed by a doctor of post-miminmalism to a guy with a talking stuffed dog. Is life weird, or what?

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