![Svetlana Village: The Camphill Experience in Russia](http://www.gunnarmadsen.com/images/svetlana4c120h.jpg)
The film was also released on VHS (the format of the day), and many copies were sold, and local video stores in Berkeley displayed them proudly in their independent features library. But VHS, and independent theatres, are gone the way of the dinosaurs. We are just now witnessing the eclipse of DVD's and the dawn of downloading.
Svetlana Village: The Camphill Experience in Russia is now available on DVD and via download! Restored to the full digital glory which it was originally captured with! Own a DVD your family will cherish for generations, or instantly download it to your favorite viewing device! All proceeds from downloads and DVD sales go directly to Svetlana Village, so you can watch a good movie and do a good deed at the same time!
I'm still researching how to make the film available for free viewing (YouTube does not allow long films). If anyone has knowledge of places that will show the film online so it can be shared with an even larger audience, please let me know.